Excited for my Mechanical Das keyboard
Whenever I purchase something it is usually an exhausting debate with myself about whether or not I should spend the money, if the product has sufficient value to justify a purchase, and if this is the best possible choice on the market. But every once and a while, I splurge. I dropped way too much money on something I plan to use hundreds of thousands if not millions of times in my lifetime: a mechanical Das Keyboard.

The advantages of having a mechanical switch keyboard are clear: reduced fatigue, increased accuracy, and greater words per minute. The mechanical switches are supposed to last approximately 10 times longer than dome membrane switches. They also provide that satisfying “clicky-ness” of older keyboards like the fabled IBM Model M that many people still swear by and use today.
My only concern is that in order to use the additional USB ports requires two USB inputs to the computer, taking up both of my USB ports on my Macbook Air. I’ll have to get a USB splitter, but that’s a small price to pay for typing nirvana.
When it arrives next Wednesday, i’ll record a video of how loud it is with my setup. (ninja edit. Screw your video watch the polar bear.)
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